Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2024


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Eintrag Nr.: 7721 vom 26.01.2017 04:16 Uhr
Absender: kreditvergleich | E-Mail:  k.A. | webseite besuchen
Joel Rivera / I guess Baptists aren't socialist enough to be invited. In any case, its offensive that a character like Al Not Too Sharp carries the title of "Reverend" when he's anything but. Same applies to his fellow white haters Jesse Jackass and Jeremiah Wrong.

Eintrag Nr.: 7722 vom 25.01.2017 07:41 Uhr
Absender: | E-Mail:  vb654mnnyahoocom  | webseite besuchen
Oct11 THanks for the comment Tan, sorry for the late reply.Not everyone is obligated to join I suppose, and not everyone knew it. Of course, there are those who don’t agree with the cause as well.

Eintrag Nr.: 7723 vom 24.01.2017 23:35 Uhr
Absender: cheap insurance | E-Mail:  cqxlmy3 at outlook dot com  | webseite besuchen
CornellianInSpain —1. If you’re going to slag in English, first learn how to speak English.2. I’m “almost 50″? I’m as close to 50 as you are to 15. I’m far younger than Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the internet, younger than Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak, who basically invented the computer you use. You’re just another ignorant 20 year-old, but if you’re lucky, someday you’ll make it to 45. Will your opinions no longer? matter then? Grow the *** up.

Eintrag Nr.: 7724 vom 24.01.2017 15:18 Uhr
Absender: auto insurance quote | E-Mail:  hb449a48 at gmail dot com  | webseite besuchen
Il y a vraiment des hommes qui sont nostalgiques de l’époque où les femmes étaient soumises?La seule chose, c’est que ça «facilitait» le fait d’être un homme! Il pouvait avoir «naturellement» le pouvoir sur un autre être humain, histoire de se remonter l’égo, faute de l’avoir ailleurs! Vouloir retourner à ce «temps béni» c’est purement et simplement un manque de couilles!

Eintrag Nr.: 7725 vom 24.01.2017 14:10 Uhr
Absender: cheap insurance | E-Mail:  86krg53qg09hotmailcom  | webseite besuchen
You mean I don't have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!

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