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Ma ismet megprobaltam,de megint felsultem a magyaritassal.Kovettem a leirtakat szepen,ahogy illik,de nem…nem es nem!!! Ami viszont erdekes,hogy az atmasolt hack egyszeruen eltunt,mintha nem is masoltam volna at.A kindlekem azt irja,hogy o marpedig 3.2-es,szoval meg elvileg ez is stimmel.Ha valakinek van tippje,azt megkoszonom.Amugy a music shuffle-hoz hol talalok leirast(mar a telepiteshez)?Koszi!
They may not be excessive based on the posted speeds, but fast enough that cars may not feel comfortable stopping even when they do see someone waiting to cross. I’ve waited in plain view every morning to cross the street, and not once has a car stopped.
Welcome to the sisterhood girl.. You can do this one step at a time. I’m glad you took that first step for a change. If you need anything please let us know. we are here to support you every step of the way. Have a great week
- that was bleeding fab, the actual adverts underneath- (that took me 2 seconds to get through before I arrived at the comments!!) One will get used to it!Hope you and Tom enjoying your break mx